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Decoding the Four Pillars of Personal Finance


Money isn’t everything. But it’s vital to manage it to stay out of debt. One should maintain a budget and spend less than the budget since there is nothing known as “good debt”.

The four personal finance pillars give people and couples a structure for handling their finances. All lifestyles, income levels, spending limits, credit card debts, and total wealth are compatible with this system.

Income, expenditures, assets, and debts comprise personal finance‘s four pillars. The money foundations will be solid if all four pillars remain functioning properly. Let’s learn more about each of them in detail.

What is Personal Finance?

Personal finance defines the control of money by a person. It is in terms of saving, spending, and investing to fulfill long-term and short-term goals. This is vital since it allows for the freedom and control of one’s lifestyle planning. To cover all issues, it contains themes such as budgeting, mortgages, tax planning, and so on.

Personal finance is not a subject taught at school or that anybody can learn. It is something a person learns by experience and should learn from an early age to prevent future problems. 

Personal financial planning often refers to the whole sector that offers services to people and families, including financial advice.

A person’s goals and desires, as well as a strategy to meet those needs within their budgetary limits, influence how they handle the issues listed above. They must become smart with money to make the most of their earnings and assets. Personal financial planning will enable them to discern between good and bad advice and make sound financial choices.

The Four Pillars of Personal Finance

Let us now look at the four pillars of personal finance.

  1. Assets 

When it comes to personal finance, assets are everything that can be converted into money.

Houses, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, vehicles, and cash are all examples of assets. While they vary in liquidity (how long it takes to convert to cash), they all have money’s worth.

Assets are one of the main inputs for net worth. When debt is subtracted from assets, net worth, or even the liquidation value of everything one possesses, it is left.

  1. Debts 

Debt refers to any amount owed to other parties. Perhaps one has credit card bills, a mortgage, or school loans, all of which have a monetary value. In other words, it would cost a specific amount to reduce them.

Debt isn’t always a bad thing! Even more so when debt is used to build an asset, like a house, or to learn something new. When choosing debt as financing, people should always set an upper limit. The aim should be obvious: the assets must grow over time.

  1. Income 

Income is defined as all the money earned during a specific time. People have the option of paying monthly or annually. Though a monthly task is advised to manage cash flow, keeping track of revenue and spending can assist people in meeting short-term goals. 

Income is divided into two categories: 

  1. Disposable income: the money that remains after paying the state’s taxes. It is used to cover daily expenses. 
  2. Discretionary income: after paying for the basics, discretionary money is what remains.  
  3. Expenses

Expenses include all the money spent. This is self-explanatory for monthly costs such as transportation, food, rent, and bills. But don’t forget to include one-time costs like haircuts, vacations, car repairs, and gifts.

Setting a budget and keeping track of all rupees spent will help you stay on track by providing an exact total of the spending.

Four Basic Rules for Personal Finance

Now that the four pillars of personal finance have been covered, let’s discuss the four rules to follow to attain freedom through personal financial planning.

  1. Spend less than what is earned

This one may seem obvious, but one would be amazed at how many people overlook it.

If one spends all that they earn each month, they will never be able to have freedom.

Worse, one will constantly be in danger of financial difficulty. Any little hiccup, such as a dental crisis trip, might derail one and put them in more debt.

Live within limits and set a nice budget, such as the 50/20/30 rule. It would help if one also looked for ways to boost revenue.

  1. Create a crisis fund 

The expense of living on less than one earns allows one to create a crisis fund. This crisis fund can help weather life’s storms, like losing a job, having the vehicle break down, or visiting the doctor, without relying on high-interest credit cards or loans, which will put one further in debt.

Save at least three to six months’ worth of spending.

  1. Make debt payback a priority 

It’s not like all debts are bad, but how people handle them often leads to issues.

Poor debt control, like late payments, will hurt a person’s credit record. This might have bad effects if one applies for more loans in the future.

Debt may also be stressful since one is concerned about making payments and other expenses.

The sooner one becomes free of debt; the less worried one will be. This will result in more scope because one will have to spend the money on tasks they like without worrying about interest payments.

One should remain out of debt after being freed from the debt cycle. 

  1. Clarify between wants and needs

Desires are objects and services that are great to have but one could live without, such as luxury cars and watches.

Needs are things one needs to live a healthy life, such as shelter, food, water, and healthcare.

Combining these two ideas may cause monetary chaos. As a result, don’t trade safety for desires.


Understanding money is not as difficult as people make it out to be. It is apparent and crucial. The path to money literacy begins with the basics, which one cannot neglect due to other fancy things. Try teaching these vital things to be free of debt.

Pillars are an architectural system employed in the making of structures. These are used to provide a solid basis for the construction. The same is true for money. One cannot excel at personal finance until one grasps the basic aspects of it. For a promising future, the load of a good life lies on four pillars.

For more related information and exciting blogs, visit Piramal Finance and explore their products and services.
