Business Loan

How business loan can grow your business with profit?


Especially after Covid-19, a lot of small business has started. Needless to say, you need not invest your money to start a business. Many financial institutions are available which will help you pursue your passion. Online business loans are readily available which you can avail from the comfort of your home.

Features of an Online Business Loans

Gone are those days when you had to go to financial institutions, to apply for a business loan. You can just apply for it from any web portal of your choice. If you want to avail of an online business loan from Piramal Finance, make sure that you have a business history of four years. Business loans can be availed by anyone in the age range of 23 years to 65 years be it, self-employed professionals or entrepreneurs. With a flexible business loan interest rate starting at 17% per annum, claiming a collateral-free online business loan has never been easy. Stop worrying about the cash crunch and start following your dreams.

Benefits of Online Business Loans

With your money needs sorted, you can divert your attention towards other aspects of your business. As you expand your business, your profits will also increase.

  • Reviving your business

Sometimes, it so happens that you have incurred a loss in your business. Before you give up on your dream, taking a loan will help you to revive your business. The additional capital will set you on your onward journey and before you know it, you will be generating profit.

  • Company’s website

In this digital era, a website is a must to make your presence felt. The more people see your brand via a website or social media, the larger will be your customer base. No wonder, by sparing a small amount for setting up a website, you can get more sales by promoting your content. You can hire a customer representative for solving the queries. 

  • Marketing

If you want to make a considerable profit, you need to spend some amount of money on promotions. There can be marketing through the distribution of pamphlets or in the form of advertisements on billboards. You can also give discounts and offers on special occasions to attract the crowd. You can also collaborate with social media influencers to attract their followers as well.

  • Skilled workers

You can hire skilled workers who will ensure that you get quality products at your desired time. You can also organize training so that they can learn to improve their skills. Superior quality ensures enhanced customer satisfaction.

  • Investments

You can use the loan to pay for new machinery which will ensure that your productivity increases. Machinery tends to be expensive. No doubt you can afford these using business loans and the quality of the product will increase.

  • Timely payments

It is crucial to make payments to your suppliers timely. In case you offend them; you will not be able to make your finished products. Searching for new suppliers is also a waste of time. It is important to have a good relationship with your existing suppliers. You need to pay your workforce on time too.

  • Expand your business

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to venture into a new branch of your business? For example, after running a successful business in soap making, you would like to start making candles during the festive seasons. Don’t be worried because of the cash crunch, you can pursue your desire using the loan amount. If you have a successful run, congratulations on your achievement.

  • Purchase in bulk

Once you are sure of your business, you can invest and procure your materials in bulk. The bulk purchase ensures that you can get discounts on your materials. It ensures that you can make a profit just by acquiring the raw materials in bulk.

  • Creditworthiness

When you opt for business loans, it is usually an unsecured loan meaning no collateral is required. The interest rate is also low which ensures that you can repay your loan in time. Your CIBIL credit score will also increase which in turn enable you to take further loans.

  • Tax benefit

The tax deduction is done on the profit amount obtained from your business. You can avail of tax benefits according to the Income Tax Act of 1961.

Why should you choose Piramal Finances for your online business loan?

Piramal Finance offers you a business loan starting from Rs 3 lakhs to Rs 10 lakhs for 36 months. If you are someone who has been running a business for 4 years, you can click on apply for quick loan and request a callback. Do you know the best part, you need not go to the bank for application of the loan! The loan amount which you can utilise for the capital requirements, you get at an affordable interest rate. With minimal papers, you are good to go with a hassle-free quick disbursal loan and will be tension free for a tenure of four years. Concentrate on your craft and passion and stop worrying about your finances.


Piramal Finance is your one-stop solution for all your financial needs. Please feel free to check out their various schemes. Do check their personal loan offers for a quick loan starting from 1 lakhs to 10 lakhs. The flexible interest rate starts from 12.9% per annum for a duration of 12 months to 6 months. With minimal documentation, you can avail of a loan of a higher amount if your working spouse is your co-applicant. What are you waiting for? Fill up the application and wait for a call-back from their relationship Manager. Your loan will get processed in record time and you can spend on whatever you desired.
