Business Loan

How Can You Get Low Interest Rate On Business Loan In Festive Season At Piramal Finance?


The festive season is an important time for many businesses to shine. The demand for products and services usually increases during this time. This means that most businesses would need a business loan to enhance their production capacity. At Piramal, we offer online business loans with competitively low-interest rates. This article provides details of how your business can be eligible to avail of Piramal’s low business loan interest rate.

Things We Consider for Business Loan at Low Interest

1. Credit Score

A good credit score is essential if you wish to receive a low-interest rate on your business loan. If your credit score is between 750 and 900 you can get a low business loan interest rate. So, you must constantly check your credit score to ensure that you are above the required value. The higher your credit score, the greater the likelihood of you receiving a lower interest rate.

2. Good financial history

If you have taken loans in the past, you must maintain a good repayment history. We offer a good business loan interest rate to businesses that can maintain a stable financial history.

3. Consider a long-term business loan

We understand that the festive season is a great time for a short-term business loan. However, long-term business loans usually receive better interest rates. You might want to consider your 5-year plan when you are deciding to apply for a business loan. The longer the term of your online business loan, the lower will be your interest rate.

4. Business Experience

A well-established business means a secured business. If you have been running your business for a long time, your business loan interest rate will be lower. However, if you are just setting up or new to your business, the interest on your business loan will be higher.

5. Good Relationship

Are you our existing customer? So we have a good relationship? If yes, we might consider reducing your business loan interest rate this festive season. It will be our way of showing gratitude to have you with us.

6. Collateral

If you are applying for a business loan, chances are that you need to offer a certain amount of collateral. Make sure you have prepared the necessary collateral or security you plan to offer before applying for the loan. A Collateral can help you get a low business loan interest rate anywhere.

7. Annual Turnover

Like every lender, we also set the business loan interest rate on the annual turnover of your business. High business turnover will mean lower interest on your business loan. However, if your turnover is low or not at par with our satisfaction, we might charge you a bit higher interest.

8. Profits and Revenue

If you are looking to get a business loan at a lower interest rate, it is important to demonstrate that your business has a good track record. The simple way to demonstrate this is by showcasing that you have a track record of making profits. We consider your business’s monthly, quarterly and annual revenue and your annual profit to decide the business loan interest rate. Show us good numbers and we will reduce the interest on your business loan.

Why Choose Piramal Finance?

1. A Wide Range of Services

We at Piramal offer various services that might be of interest to you and your business. These include personal loans, as well as microfinancing. Looking into these options might help us understand you and your needs better. We are more likely to give lower interest rates to people who have already developed a relationship with us.

2. Competitive Rates

Do not spread yourself too thin by applying for loans in other places. We at Piramal offer extremely competitive rates. If you apply for loans in a lot of other places, this might impact your credit score. In turn, it will reduce your chances of getting a business loan at Piramal at the desired interest rate.

3. Easy to Avail

We at Piramal Finance believe in making finances easily available to you. Our online business loans are easy to apply for and carry a simple process. But do not take our word for it. You must do the research that helps you arrive at your conclusions. Taking a business loan is a big commitment. You must be completely sure of the choice you are making and feel confident about it.

4. Refinancing

Apart from offering business loans, we can also refinance your previous loans if you have any. You can get a better deal, like a lower interest rate or a higher amount with us. Contact our professionals to know the details of refinancing at Piramal Finance.

5. Foreclosure and Pre-payment

Some lenders don’t allow pre-payment or foreclosure of business loans. But we do. To know more about our foreclosure and pre-payment facilities, consult someone at our nearest branch.


The festive season is a pivotal time for businesses because they are usually busier during this time. We at Piramal Finance want to ensure that your business can thrive and take full advantage of the opportunities that the festive season provides. You can look into the exact eligibility criteria for business loans on our website. You may also want to consider other loans, which you can read more about on the website of Piramal Finance Don’t wait for long, and apply today!
