
What is a Compound Interest Calculator and How does it Work?


Worried about where to invest your money? How does compounding work? Having trouble finding the principal amount of a deposit or loan? Want to make a good amount grow into a large sum? Want a tool to see how tiny savings can make one rich? Compound Interest Calculator will help one find the returns from investments. Get to know about compound interest, how it functions, the compound interest calculation process, formula of compound interest in detail.

What is Compound interest?

The interest on a loan or deposit that is found using both the initial principle and the accrued interest from the last period is known as compound interest. “Interest on interest” is a good way to describe it because that is exactly what it is. Capital and interest will increase faster than they would under simple interest.

Compound interest accrues interest at a rate proportional to the number of compounding periods; hence, a higher number of compounding periods results in a high compound interest rate. With an annual interest rate of 10%, for instance, a deposit of Rs 100 would yield Rs 10 after one year. In 2019, what will happen? This is when the power of compound interest comes into play.

As compound interest increases over time, money keeps multiplying the longer they leave it alone. Don’t put off paying back a loan with compound interest because the interest will add up quickly. A person must make their loan installments more regular to get the benefits of compounding. With this approach, one can reduce interest payments below the minimum required by law.

The term “snowball effect of compound interest” has been used to describe the high rise of a positive return on an initial principal investment due to the interest-on-interest impact.

How Does Compound Interest Function?

Compound interest is a good tool for long-term wealth, but only if one’s initial investment is good. But compound interest on their debt can put them in a tight spot if they haven’t planned for it. Let’s ease the process of compounding one’s investment so that one can know how compound interest works.

When their investment begins to earn interest, compound interest begins its work. Interest is now charged to the principal. When interest is earned again, the amount will be found by adding the accumulated interest to the principal.

This investment will continue to increase in size as interest is added to the principal. Without any new financial injections, this cycle will ensure the investment’s steady rise. This cycle can yield large returns on investment over time.

Compound interest returns will be affected by the following three parts:

  • Time is vital when it comes to investing; the more time they give their money to grow, the better off they will be.
  • A greater interest rate, when compounded, will result in a larger investment balance.
  • Investment priorities and goals can be determined after carefully considering the numerous possible outcomes and paths available to them.

Compound Interest Calculation Procedures

A way to gain interest on investments is through compound interest. Before calculating compound interest, one must know:

  • The quantity of their initial investment
  • Interest rate that their investor gives
  • The rate at which interest is compounded annually
  • How long does one want to retain their investment

The Formula for Compound Interest

This calculator uses the formula for compound interest to find out the sum of the principal and the interest. The same formula is used to figure out the principal, rate, or time when the other values are known. This formula can also be used to set up an Excel compound interest calculator.

A = P(1 + r/n)nt


A = Interest and principal added together.

P = Principal amount

r = Interest rate expressed as a decimal per annum on a nominal basis.

R = Rate of interest, nominal, expressed as a percentage per year.

r = R/100

n = the number of additions per unit of time

t = the amount of time in decimal years. For example, 6 months is equal to 0.5 years. Divide the number of months in your partial year by 12 to get the decimal years.

I = Amount of interest

ln= stands for natural logarithm, which is used in the formulas below.

How to Calculate Compound Interest

Compound interest can be found with an easy formula. To find the first compound interest payment, multiply the principal by 1, then add the annual interest rate multiplied by the number of compound periods minus 1. Next, the entire amount of one’s loan is removed from the total.

Compound Interest = Future Value of the Principal + Future Interest minus Present Value of the Principal (or Present Value)

Interest Accumulated Daily = P [(1 + I n – 1].

P represents the initial investment, I is the interest rate, and n is the number of compounding periods.

At a compounded annual rate of return of 12% over five years, an INR 1,000,000 investment would yield INR 1,76,234. The following graph shows the rise of a one million rupee investment over five years.

Earning interest on interest is what compound interest is all about. As a result, it already accounts for everything that came before. That sum also accrues interest.

 Example: An investment of ₹100,000 with interest (₹12,000)  at maturity became ₹112,000.


The purpose of this article is to give an examination of the Compound Interest Calculator India.

One should analyze while calculating one’s initial principle and the accrued interest. The Compound Interest Calculator will help them find their long-term wealth.

If one can take advantage of the pros of compound interest, it can do wonders for their investment strategy and financial goals. Before considering it is also important to be aware of other sides too. Also visit Piramal Finance, which has more in-depth, educational, and financial articles.
