Personal Loan

What To Know About Personal Loans


Personal Loan:- 

Personal loans are unsecured loans that are advanced depending on your credit score and your capacity to repay them from your income. Also known as a consumer or multipurpose loan. Personal loans require no guarantor or security and can be obtained with minimal paperwork. However, it must be paid back in monthly installments, as do most loans. It can be used for any expense, such as education, marriage, travel, house repairs, hospital bills, or even the purchase of a gadget. You can even use the money to aid with ongoing expenses in the event of a cash flow problem. Since a personal loan may be used for many different things, there is no set application period. Instead, you can select a personal loan to meet any need.

A few reasons for applying for a personal loan include:

  • Family Vacation or Holiday Financing
  • Money for seasonal festivities or needs
  • Money for wedding ceremonies
  • Create or renovate a home.
  • Hospital and medical bills
  • Mortgage Refinancing 
  • Purchasing of vehicles such as cars, bicycles, and so on.
  • Education
  • Starting a business or expanding a business

Personal loans are among the most popular choices for funding your urgent requirements. Loan approval is simple and quick. Furthermore, the required documents are minimal.

Advantages Of Personal Loan

  • There is no need for a guarantee or security.
  • Requires minimal documentation.
  • Faster disbursement of loans
  • The fixed interest rate for the duration
  • Flexible loan durations of 1–5 years are available.
  • There is an EMI option available.
  • It’s a loan with multiple uses.

Personal Loan Eligibility Criteria

Personal loans are considered unsecured loans, and banks perform extensive careful consideration. Most importantly, they examine your financial security. Eligibility for a loan is determined by several factors, including your credit or Cbill score history, monthly salary, and other current EMIs. These terms differ from lender to lender.

The following are the eligibility requirements for getting a personal loan:

  • Age Criteria: For salaried employees, the age criteria are 21–58 years. A self-employed business person and professional must be between the ages of 25 and 65.
  • Monthly Salary: Your gross monthly income is essential for loan approval. A few financial institutions require a minimum net monthly income. While some banks’ eligibility criteria are 25, 000 rupees per month.
  • Employment Nature:- Some of the most common employment types are salaried employees, professionals, self-employed individuals, and professionals.
  • Employment Term: If you have recently changed jobs, getting approval may be difficult. 
    Many financial institutions, for example, grant loans to people employed with a minimum of two years of job experience including one year with their present employer. 
    Likewise, self-employed professionals must have at least 3 years of experience. Some people consider your overall work history.
  • Credit Score: A credit reporting agency assigns you a credit or CIBIL score. (E.g., companies such as CIBIL, Equifax, or High Mark, etc.) It provides data on your borrowing history to a potential lending institution.

A good credit or CIBIL score also gives you the negotiating power to get the best loan terms. Some banks require a minimum credit, or CIBIL, score of 700, while others require 750. Generally, a score in the 700–900 range is preferable.

Requirement of Documents for Personal Loan

Some of the basic documentation needed for getting a Personal Loan are as follows:

  1. Income proof or statement
  2. Payment Receipt 
  3. Bank account statements
  4. Form No. 16 or the most recent IT return documents
  5. Credit history report
  6. Proof of age (PAN card, birth certificate, passport, Aadhaar card, voter ID, etc.)
  7. Proof of address (electricity bill, passport, Aadhaar card, ration card, telephone bill, etc.)
  8. Photo ID proof (election ID, PAN card, Aadhaar card, driving license, passport, etc.)

The above documents, as well as the application form for getting a personal loan with a few photos, must be given to your lender. Many banks and financial finance companies now provide online facilities for applying for personal and other loans. You must examine these and select the best option for you. A signed loan agreement document will be mailed to you once the personal loan has been approved. A standing instruction request or ECS mandate form, as well as a security deposit or cheques, are also required.

Interest Rates on Personal Loans

  • Among the other loan categories, personal loans have some of the highest interest rates.
  • Personal loans are currently issued at rates ranging from 10% to 18% per year.
  • The interest rates differ from one bank to another. It’s also determined by the applicant’s economic status, credit report, current EMIs and loans, loan tenure, credit or CBIL score, and other factors.
  • In addition to the interest rate on a personal loan, there are some processing fees and/or other charges to consider.

Conclusion: Personal loans are unsecured loans that are advanced depending on your credit or CIBIL score and your ability to repay them from your income. It does not require collateral or security and can be received with little paperwork. However, like most loans, they must be paid back in installments. It can be used for any expense, such as education, marriage, travel, house repairs, hospital bills, or even the purchase of a gadget. In the event of a cash flow crisis, you can even use the funds to help with day-to-day expenses. Taking out a personal loan to meet unexpected financial needs is a wise decision. However, before deciding on a personal loan, it is important to know the benefits, eligibility criteria, service fees, foreclosure charges, hidden fees, etc. This allows us to compare the benefits and drawbacks of various lenders and choose the most suitable and affordable scheme. For specialised loan alternatives for business owners and professionals, seek the advice of a financial specialist like Piramal Finance if you have any questions.
